
Rossview Farm was hit by a devastating hail storm

during late August and all of our pumpkins were destroyed.

Rossview Will not have a 2024 pumpkin harvest.

 We look forward to seeing you during

our Cut Your Own Xmas Tree season.

We also have: 
A variety of Specialty Pumpkins, 
    Squash, Mini Gourds,

Our own Maple Syrup and Strawberry Jam.


 Saturday 14th October 11a-3p

Sunday 15th October 10a-3p

We have handy wagons to make it easy to transport

your pumpkins from the patch to your car.

We welcome Cash or Good check (ID Required) 

for more than $20 for payment. 
 No credit/debit are accepted 

As this is a working farm it is necessary for you to leave your pets at home.

There are NO PHOTSHOOTS allowed on the Farm.

* Wholesale orders available, please use the "Contact Us"  link found on the CONTACT page this website.


  $0.75/lb for the Orange Carving Pumpkins

   $1.00/lb for Specialty Pumpkins

​   $2.00 each for Mini Gourds and select pumpkinbs


New Hampshire's Five Season Farm