2024 Blueberry Season

has come to an early Close, due to a
devastating hail storm.

OPEN most days from 8am to 12pm
But CALL the Farm Phone to ensure the hours

It's always best to call the Farm Phone (603)228-4872
to make sure we didn't have to adjust the hours of
operation for that particular day.

$5.00/lb. to Pick Your Own. 
We supply bags free of charge.

Fresh-Picked Blueberries are
$7.00 per Pint and $10.00 per Quart.

For PAYMENT we accept CASH or Good Personal Checks 
for more than $20.00  *with a valid ID

Do not eat any berries while in the patch, to ensure
Food Safety
Please keep your group together 
and not spread out throughout the patch.

Please Limit your group to only those that
are here to PICK blueberries. 

 Please call the Farm Phone (603) 228-4872 
before making the trip, as mother nature 
may impact our scheduled hours. 

 Rossview does not accept credit/debit,

so please leave the plastic at home.

 We are growing food, therefore we do

not allow pets of any kind on the farm.

Service dogs welcomes on the property,
but must remain outside of the designated
area of food production, by USDA law.

   ~ Don Ross


New Hampshire's Five Season Farm